CIELO (2025)
An 8-year-old girl with special powers sets off on a journey to take her mother to paradise, fulfilling what she had promised her: to kill her first and then revive her, bringing her life back. To do this, she has to carry here body across the desert to heaven, a place she thought was so real as any other.
Release : 2025
Runtime : 108 minutes
Genre : Drama, Adventure, Fantasy
Cast : Cristian Mercado, Juan Carlos Aduviri, Fernando Arze Echalar, Luis Bredow, Mariela Salaverry, Fer Monserrat
Crew : Alberto Sciamma (Director), Alberto Sciamma (Writer), Alex Metcalfe (Cinematography), Alexa Waugh (Producer), Paola Gosalvez (Producer), Gerardo Guerra V. (Line Producer)
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